Babysitter at Jubilee Mark
The latest meeting of Jubilee Mark Lodge No 375 held at Ulverston Masonic Hall did not have a candidate but had the next best thing, a successful ballot for a candidate for the next meeting.
Peter Storey and Chris Gray
The main business of the evening was a talk by Peter Storey who is a popular and respected figure in Furness masonic circles. However, he does practice his Mark masonry in, to give it it’s full title “The Glorious Province of Cumberland and Westmorland.” He is a regular visitor to both Furness and Jubilee Mark lodges.
The talk Peter delivered was entitled “Jephthah the glorious Gileaditish general..” It had been researched and written by Peter and proved to be both interesting and illuminating. It was very well received.
Darren Stainton, Chris Gray and Nigel Higginson
Amongst those gaining a daily advancement in Masonic knowledge were Nigel Higginson WM of Garnett Mark Lodge No 146 and Darren Stainton WM of The Furness Mark Lodge No 36.
It was the first meeting for WM Chris Gray since his installation and he can reflect on a very pleasant and successful evening.
The babysitter?
When he was a small child Chris was occasionally left in the charge of a family friend, a certain Peter Storey who was subsequently to become his proposer into masonry.
Words and pictures by Dave Sear